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Difference between wood pressed coconut oil and any refined oil

The main difference between wood pressed coconut oil and any refined oil is the method of extraction and processing.

Wood pressed coconut oil is extracted from fresh coconut kernels using a traditional method that involves crushing them with a wooden or stone press. This method does not involve any heat or chemicals, which means that the natural nutrients and flavor of the oil are retained. Wood pressed coconut oil is also known as cold-pressed coconut oil or virgin coconut oil, and it is considered to be the most natural and healthy type of coconut oil.

Refined coconut oil, on the other hand, is extracted using an industrial process that involves high heat, chemicals, and solvents. The oil is extracted using machines and then refined to remove any impurities, such as sediment and free fatty acids. This process also removes many of the natural nutrients and flavor of the coconut oil. Refined coconut oils are also often deodorized and bleached to make them more visually appealing.

In terms of health benefits, wood pressed coconut oil is considered to be healthier than refined coconut oil. This is because wood pressed coconut oil retains all the natural nutrients and antioxidants found in fresh coconut kernels, while refined coconut oil loses many of these nutrients during the extraction and refining process. Wood pressed coconut oil also has a higher smoking point than refined coconut oil, which means that it can be used for cooking at high temperatures without the risk of harmful chemicals being produced.

In summary, wood pressed coconut oil is a natural and healthy type of coconut oil that is extracted using traditional methods without the use of heat or chemicals, while refined coconut oil is extracted using an industrial process that involves high heat, chemicals, and solvents, which can result in the loss of natural nutrients and flavor of the coconut oil.

Health and Wellness Benefits:

Wood pressed coconut oil, also known as cold-pressed coconut oil, is a natural oil that is extracted from the meat of fresh coconuts using traditio-10nal me-10thods. Ocean Pure’s wood pressed coconut oil has a range of health and wellness benefits. Here are a few:

Rich in Healthy Fats

Wood pressed coconut oil is high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are healthy fats that are easily digested and converted into energy by the body. MCTs have been linked to improved brain function, weight loss, and heart health.

Antioxidant Properties

Wood pressed coconut oil contains antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and may help reduce inflammation.

Skin and Hair Benefits

Wood pressed coconut oil is a popular ingredient in natural beauty products because of its moisturizing and nourishing properties. It can help improve skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote healthy hair growth.


Wood pressed coconut oil contains compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds can help reduce inflammation in the body and may be beneficial for people with conditions such as arthritis and asthma.

High Smoke Point

Wood pressed coconut oil has a high smoke point, which makes it ideal for cooking at high temperatures without producing harmful smoke or toxins. It can be used for frying, baking, and sautéing.

Boosts Immune System

Coconut oil contains antioxidants and antimicrobial properties that help in boosting the immune system and fighting against infections and diseases.

Oral Health

Oil pulling with wood pressed coconut oil has been shown to help improve oral health by reducing plaque and bacteria in the mouth. It may also help freshen breath and improve gum health.

Versatility in Cooking

Wood pressed coconut oil has a high smoke point, making it a versatile cooking oil that can be used in a range of dishes, from stir-fries to baked goods. Its nutty flavour also adds a delicious twist to recipes.

Nutritional Value

Wood pressed coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easily digested and provide quick energy to the body. It is also high in lauric acid, a fatty acid that has been shown to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

100% Natural & Organic


Ocean Pure’s Wood pressed Coconut Oil is processed and clarified using natural methods, without any use of filters or other refining methods. This results in a pure and natural oil, which retains all its natural nutrients and benefits.